It is known that every day 2,500 children under the age of 18 try their first cigarette, and more than 400 of them become new, regular smokers, and half of them will die from this addiction in the future.
Aim: The aim of the study is to determine changes in the indices of dental status in adolescents with tobacco smoking.
Materials and methods: The study involved 54 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. They were divided into the main group of 25 adolescents with a smoking experience of 1 to 3 years, and a control group of 29 adolescents who were physically healthy at the time of the study and had never smoked. During their visit to dentist for a preventive examination such indexes were investigated as simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S) (Greene-Vermillion), papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA), Fedorov-Volodkina index, caries severity index, index of the need for treatment of periodontal disease and biophysical methods of oral fluid research: rate of salivation, elasticity, pH of oral fluid.
Results: The changes in dental status identified in the study in adolescents with addiction to smoking indicated certain aspects of the risk of developing dental diseases in this group of patients with prevalence of periodontal inflammation. The most vulnerable, with a short history of smoking, were periodontal tissues. It could indicate the direct effect of tobacco smoke on the microcirculation of the gums.
Conclusions: Smoking is a risk factor for periodontal health in adolescents. The periodontal inflammation of various severities was established in children and adolescents aged 12-18 years old. Evaluation of oral health indices has been estimated from 0.79 ± 0.19 to 1.9 ± 0.05 (p<0.05) for Greene-Vermilion, from 1.5 ± 0.41 to 2.5 ± 0.59 (p<0.05) for Fedorov-Volodkina, from 12.0± 2.06% to 36.0 ± 2.04% to for PMA (p<0.05) as result of adolescent smoking. Simultaneously we didn't estimate significant difference for caries severity in investigated groups.
Keywords: Fedorov-Volodkina index; adolescents; papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA); simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S); tobacco addiction.
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