8 University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Department of Clinical Hematology, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic.
9 University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Hematology, Debrecen, Hungary.
10 Cherkasy Regional Oncology Centre, Regional Treatment and Diagnostics Haematology Centre, Department of Hematology, Cherkasy, Ukraine.
11 Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment - HristoBotev, First Department of Internal Medicine, Vratsa, Bulgaria.
12 University Hospital Brno, Clinic of Internal Medicine - Hematology and Oncology, Brno, Czech Republic.
13 Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital, Department of Hematology, Yaroslavl, Russia.
14 Department of Hematology, Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
15 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria and CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
16 Université de Paris, CIC 1427, Inserm, Paris, France and Centre d'Investigations Cliniques, AP-HP, Hospital Saint-Louis, Paris, France.