Human actions intensify the greenhouse effect, aggravating climate changes in the Amazon and elsewhere in the world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) foresees a global increase of up to 4.5 °C and 850 ppm CO2 (above current levels) by 2100. This will impact the biology of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, vector of Dengue, Zika, urban Yellow Fever and Chikungunya. Heat shock proteins are associated with adaptations to anthropic environments and the interaction of some viruses with the vector. The transcription of the hsp26, hsp83 and hsc70 genes of an A. aegypti population, maintained for more than forty-eight generations, in the Current, Intermediate and Extreme climatic scenario predicted by the IPCC was evaluated with qPCR. In females, highest levels of hsp26, hsp83 and hsc70 expression occurred in the Intermediate scenario, while in males, levels were high only for hsp26 gene in Current and Extreme scenarios. Expression of hsp83 and hsc70 genes in males was low under all climatic scenarios, while in the Extreme scenario females had lower expression than in the Current scenario. The data suggest compensatory or adaptive processes acting on heat shock proteins, which can lead to changes in the mosquito's biology, altering vectorial competence.
Keywords: Amazon; Environmental room; Global warming; Microcosm; Vectors.
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