Noninfectious corneal ulcers can occur as an isolated ocular problem (e.g., sequela of eye injury, Mooren's ulcer) or they may be associated with various collagen vascular or other autoimmune diseases, sometimes being the presenting sign of the disease. Conditions that affect the integrity of the ocular surface epithelium (exposure keratitis, neurotrophic keratitis, keratomalacia, recurrent corneal erosions) may also lead to development of sterile corneal ulcers. Rarely, these ulcers occur as a complication following cataract surgery. With recent advances in the understanding of the causes and pathophysiology of corneal melting, rapid and effective medical and surgical treatment is often able to halt relentless destruction of the cornea. Since treatment varies vastly depending on the underlying cause of the ulceration, prompt and accurate diagnosis is of critical importance. This review presents guidelines for the diagnosis of corneal ulcers, and a stepwise approach to their medical and surgical treatment.