Objective: To analyze the endemic situation of schistosomiasis in a national surveillance site of Yangzhong City, so as to provide the scientific evidence for adjusting the local schistosomiasis control strategy and consolidating the control achievements.
Methods: According to the National Schistosomiasis Surveillance Scheme (2014 version), the snail status, Schistosoma japonicum infections in humans and livestock and wild feces contamination were monitored in Zhinan Village, a national schistosomiasis surveillance site in Yangzhong City from 2015 to 2018.
Results: Theareasofsnailhabitatsreducedfrom 8.10 hm2 in 2015 to 2.72 hm2 in 2018, and the mean density of living snails decreased from 0.27 snails/0.1 m2 in 2015 to 0.07 snails/0.1 m2 in 2018 in Zhinan Village; however, no S. japonicum infections were identified in snails during the period from 2015 to 2018. Serological testing for S. japonicum infections was performed in 2 034 local populations and 858 mobile populations from 2015 to 2018, and the sero-prevalence of S. japonicum human infections was 0.59% to 1.98%, with no egg-positives detected. A total of 79 goats were detected for S. japonicum infections from 2015 to 2018, and no egg-positives were found. In addition, no other livestock was found in Zhinan Village from 2015 to 2018, and no wild feces were found in snail habitats.
Conclusions: A great success has been achieved in schistosomiasis control in Yangzhong City; however, there are still snails breeding in the city. Monitoring of the risk factors pertaining to schistosomiasis transmission should be further intensified to consolidate the control achievements.
[摘要] 目的 分析扬中市国家血吸虫病监测点疫情, 为完善当地血吸虫病防治对策和巩固防治成效提供科学依据。 方法 按照《全国血吸虫病监测方案 (2014 年版) 》要求, 于 2015-2018 年对扬中市指南村国家血吸虫病监测点进行螺情、 人畜血吸虫病病情、野粪等监测。结果 2015-2018 年, 扬中市国家血吸虫病监测点有螺面积和活螺平均密度分别由 8.10 hm2、0.27 只/0.1 m2 降至 2.72 hm2 和 0.07只/0.1 m2, 未发现血吸虫感染性钉螺; 开展本地人群和流动人群血清学血吸 虫病筛查 2 034 人·次和 858 人, 血检阳性率为 0.59% ~ 1.98%, 未发现病原学检查阳性者; 共检测羊 79 只, 未发现血吸虫 感染阳性; 未发现牛等其他家畜养殖; 在有螺区域内未发现野粪。结论 扬中市血吸虫病防治效果显著, 但仍有钉螺孳 生, 应进一步加大对钉螺等血吸虫病传播风险因素监测, 以巩固防治成果。.
Keywords: Oncomelania snail; Schistosomiasis; Surveillance; Yangzhong City.