Computed tomography-guided 3D printed patient-specific regional anesthesia

J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2020 Oct;20(5):325-329. doi: 10.17245/jdapm.2020.20.5.325. Epub 2020 Oct 30.


Classic anesthetic techniques for the inferior alveolar nerve, lingual nerve, and long buccal nerve blockade are achieved by estimating the intended location for anesthetic deposition based on palpation, inspection, and subsequent correlation for oral anatomical structures. The present article utilizes computed tomography (CT) data to 3D print a guide for repeatable and accurate deposition of a local anesthetic at the ideal location. This technical report aims to anatomically define the ideal location for local anesthetic deposition. This process has the potential to reduce patient discomfort, risk of nerve damage, and failed mandibular anesthesia, as well as to reduce the total anesthetic dose. Lastly, as robotic-based interventions improve, this provides the initial framework for robot-guided regional anesthesia administration in the oral cavity.

Keywords: 3D Printing; Guided Regional Anesthesia; Local Anesthesia.

Publication types

  • Case Reports