We present the case of an 87-year-old female who presented with upper dysphagia to solids, weight loss of 5 kg and weakness in the upper limbs of a seven months duration. Gastroscopy showed a hiatal hernia and an esophagogram showed gastroesophageal reflux and contrast aspiration into the trachea. Esophageal manometry was not possible due to intolerance. Analytics showed elevated CPK (3,386 UI/l; 34-145) and positivity to anti-HMGCR antibodies. An electromyogram was performed, with more intense myopathy data in the proximal regions of the upper limbs and signs of myositis. A muscle biopsy was performed (deltoids and biceps) that showed signs of necrotizing myopathy. Treatment with oral steroids and methotrexate was started with a good subsequent evolution.