Significance: The redox balance of cells provides a stable microenvironment for biological macromolecules to perform their physiological functions. As redox imbalance is closely related to the occurrence and development of a variety of diseases, antioxidant therapies are an attractive option. However, redox-based therapeutic strategies have not yet shown satisfactory results. To find the key reason is of great significance. Recent Advances: We emphasize the precise nature of redox regulation and elucidate the importance and necessity of precision redox strategies from three aspects: differences in redox status, differences in redox function, and differences in the effects of redox therapy. We then propose the "5R" principle of precision redox in antioxidant pharmacology: "Right species, Right place, Right time, Right level, and Right target." Critical Issues: Redox status must be considered in the context of species, time, place, level, and target. The function of a biomacromolecule and its cellular signaling role are closely dependent on redox status. Accurate evaluation of redox status and specific interventions are critical for the success of redox treatments. Precision redox is the key for antioxidant pharmacology. The precise application of antioxidants as nutritional supplements is also key to the general health of the population. Future Directions: Future studies to develop more accurate methods for detecting redox status and accurately evaluating the redox state of different physiological and pathological processes are needed. Antioxidant pharmacology should consider the "5R" principle rather than continuing to apply global nonspecific antioxidant treatments. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 34, 1069-1082.
Keywords: ROS/RNS; antioxidants; oxidative/nitrosative stress; pharmacology; precision redox; redox status (state).