The emergence of "green" electronics is a response to the pressing global situation where conventional electronics contribute to resource depletion and a global build-up of waste. For wearable applications, green electronic textile (e-textile) materials present an opportunity to unobtrusively incorporate sensing, energy harvesting, and other functionality into the clothes we wear. Here, we demonstrate electrically conducting wood-based yarns produced by a roll-to-roll coating process with an ink based on the biocompatible polymer:polyelectrolyte complex poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). The developed e-textile yarns display a, for cellulose yarns, record-high bulk conductivity of 36 Scm-1, which could be further increased to 181 Scm-1 by adding silver nanowires. The PEDOT:PSS-coated yarn could be machine washed at least five times without loss in conductivity. We demonstrate the electrochemical functionality of the yarn through incorporation into organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs). Moreover, by using a household sewing machine, we have manufactured an out-of-plane thermoelectric textile device, which can produce 0.2 μW at a temperature gradient of 37 K.
Keywords: PEDOT:PSS; conducting cellulose yarn; e-textile; organic electrochemical transistor (OECT); organic thermoelectrics.