A large body of data suggests that implementing active learning practices in a STEM classroom contributes to increased success in both achievement of student learning outcomes and retention of students. Despite these findings, significant barriers exist for instructors implementing active learning strategies in their undergraduate classrooms. These barriers can be effectively addressed by providing sustained support to instructors and postdoctoral trainees interested in implementing active learning strategies in their teaching practice. The Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) network attains this objective by connecting instructors interested in learning more about active learning (Fellows) with individuals who have extensive expertise related to this practice (mentors). These facilitated connections occur in the form of active mentorship for a year or more, virtual journal clubs, and biannual gatherings of PALM Fellows and mentors. Here, we describe the foundation on which PALM was built and explain how a successful mentorship program can pave the way for educators to adapt and implement evidence-based practices like active learning in a college classroom.
©2020 Author(s). Published by the American Society for Microbiology.