Objective: To develop a diagnostic error index (DEI) aimed at providing a practical method to identify and measure serious diagnostic errors.
Study design: A quality improvement (QI) study at a quaternary pediatric medical center. Five well-defined domains identified cases of potential diagnostic errors. Identified cases underwent an adjudication process by a multidisciplinary QI team to determine if a diagnostic error occurred. Confirmed diagnostic errors were then aggregated on the DEI. The primary outcome measure was the number of monthly diagnostic errors.
Results: From January 2017 through June 2019, 105 cases of diagnostic error were identified. Morbidity and mortality conferences, institutional root cause analyses, and an abdominal pain trigger tool were the most frequent domains for detecting diagnostic errors. Appendicitis, fractures, and nonaccidental trauma were the 3 most common diagnoses that were missed or had delayed identification.
Conclusions: A QI initiative successfully created a pragmatic approach to identify and measure diagnostic errors by utilizing a DEI. The DEI established a framework to help guide future initiatives to reduce diagnostic errors.
Keywords: diagnosis; preventable harm.
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