Study objectives: Afternoon naps benefit memory but this may depend on whether one is a habitual napper (HN; ≥1 nap/week) or non-habitual napper (NN). Here, we investigated whether a nap would benefit HN and NN differently, as well as whether HN would be more adversely affected by nap restriction compared to NN.
Methods: Forty-six participants in the nap condition (HN-nap: n = 25, NN-nap: n = 21) took a 90-min nap (14:00-15:30 pm) on experimental days while 46 participants in the Wake condition (HN-wake: n = 24, NN-wake: n = 22) remained awake in the afternoon. Memory tasks were administered after the nap to assess short-term topographical memory and long-term memory in the form of picture encoding and factual knowledge learning respectively.
Results: An afternoon nap boosted picture encoding and factual knowledge learning irrespective of whether one habitually napped (main effects of condition (nap/wake): ps < 0.037). However, we found a significant interaction for the hippocampal-dependent topographical memory task (p = 0.039) wherein a nap, relative to wake, benefitted habitual nappers (HN-nap vs HN-wake: p = 0.003) compared to non-habitual nappers (NN-nap vs. NN-wake: p = 0.918). Notably for this task, habitual nappers' performance significantly declined if they were not allowed to nap (HN-wake vs NN-wake: p = 0.037).
Conclusions: Contrary to concerns that napping may be disadvantageous for non-habitual nappers, we found that an afternoon nap was beneficial for long-term memory tasks even if one did not habitually nap. Naps were especially beneficial for habitual nappers performing a short-term topographical memory task, as it restored the decline that would otherwise have been incurred without a nap.
Clinical trial information: NCT04044885.
Keywords: adolescents; habitual; learning; memory; naps.
© Sleep Research Society 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sleep Research Society.