Context: Xiayuxue decoction (XYXD), a traditional Chinese medicine, is used for treating liver disease. However, the potential active constituents and mechanisms are still unclear.
Objective: To explore the main active fraction extracts, active ingredients and possible mechanisms of XYXD for anti-hepatic fibrosis.
Materials and methods: Different fractions including ethyl acetate fraction (EF) were prepared from XYXD. These fractions, especially EF, were used to evaluate cell viability, proliferation, cell cycle, cytotoxicity and activation in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). Liver fibrosis model was established by CCl4 in C57BL/6 mice, and allocated to CCl4 group, XYXD group and EF group with normal mice as control. Further, mitochondrial apoptosis-related proteins of HSCs, destruction and angiogenesis of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) and active ingredients of EF were evaluated.
Results: The inhibition of proliferation, increase of S or/and G2/M phase population and suppression of α-SMA and COL-1 expression were obeserved in EF treated-JS1 and -LX2. Liver fibrosis-related indicators were improved by EF similar to XYXD in vivo. EF induced the apoptosis of HSCs in CCl4-induced fibrosis, and inhibited the expression of HSCs apoptosis pathway-related proteins (JNK and p38-MAPKs), and LSECs destruction and angiogenesis. Multiple ingredients (emodin, rhein, aloe-emodin, prunasin) in EF have shown inhibited the activation of JS1.
Discussion and conclusion: EF was the main active fraction extracts of XYXD, and the underlying mechanisms might relate to induction of HSCs apoptosis. Emodin, rhein, aloe-emodin and prunasin were main active ingredients of EF, which provides a potential drug for the treatment of liver fibrosis.
Keywords: Xiayuxue decoction; activation; apoptosis; hepatic stellate cells; liver fibrosis.