Electron states in semiconductor materials can be modified by quantum confinement. Adding to semiconductor heterostructures the concept of lateral geometry offers the possibility to further tailor the electronic band structure with the creation of unique flat bands. Using block copolymer lithography, we describe the design, fabrication, and characterization of multiorbital bands in a honeycomb In0.53Ga0.47As/InP heterostructure quantum well with a lattice constant of 21 nm. Thanks to an optimized surface quality, scanning tunnelling spectroscopy reveals the existence of a strong resonance localized between the lattice sites, signature of a p-orbital flat band. Together with theoretical computations, the impact of the nanopatterning imperfections on the band structure is examined. We show that the flat band is protected against the lateral and vertical disorder, making this industry-standard system particularly attractive for the study of exotic phases of matter.
Keywords: III−V semiconductor; Two-dimensional lattice; band engineering; block copolymer lithography; disorder; flat band; quantum well; scanning tunneling spectroscopy; tight binding calculations.