Automatic sigmoid colon segmentation in CT for radiotherapy treatment planning is challenging due to complex organ shape, close distances to other organs, and large variations in size, shape, and filling status. The patient bowel is often not evacuated, and CT contrast enhancement is not used, which further increase problem difficulty. Deep learning (DL) has demonstrated its power in many segmentation problems. However, standard 2-D approaches cannot handle the sigmoid segmentation problem due to incomplete geometry information and 3-D approaches often encounters the challenge of a limited training data size. Motivated by human's behavior that segments the sigmoid slice by slice while considering connectivity between adjacent slices, we proposed an iterative 2.5-D DL approach to solve this problem. We constructed a network that took an axial CT slice, the sigmoid mask in this slice, and an adjacent CT slice to segment as input and output the predicted mask on the adjacent slice. We also considered other organ masks as prior information. We trained the iterative network with 50 patient cases using five-fold cross validation. The trained network was repeatedly applied to generate masks slice by slice. The method achieved average Dice similarity coefficients of 0.82 0.06 and 0.88 0.02 in 10 test cases without and with using prior information.
Keywords: Deep learning; Segmentation; Sigmoid colon.
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