A total of 342 eligible, previously untreated patients with Stage III or IV epithelial ovarian carcinoma were treated with Adriamycin and cisplatin, both at 50 mg/m2, for nine courses. Of the 210 patients who had clinically detectable disease after initial surgery, 85 (41%) had a complete clinical response and 45 (21%) had a partial clinical response. A total of 197 were clinically free of disease at the completion of chemotherapy and 175 of these had a second-look laparotomy; 55 had no macroscopic or microscopic evidence of residual disease after multiple random biopsies were examined histologically (complete surgical/histologic response). The major determinants of complete surgical/histologic response were diameter of largest residual tumor prior to treatment, ECOG performance status, and grade, patients with grade 3 tumors having a higher complete response rate than those with grade 1 or 2 tumors. The major determinants of survival were ECOG performance status and diameter of largest residual tumor prior to treatment. Median survival of the total group was 1.8 years.