In the last decades, new technological devices and instruments have been developed to overcome the technical limits of transoral laser microsurgery. The recent introduction of 3D endoscopy seems to be a promising tool in the field of diagnostic and operative laryngology as an alternative to the traditional microlaryngoscopy. Our work aims to present a novel transoral microsurgical setting that expands the use of exoscopic systems (in this case the VITOM® 3D-HD) as an alternative to the standard operating microscope. A customized support arm and an adaptor to firmly connect the VITOM® 3D-HD camera to the laser micromanipulator were specially designed. This setup was used as an alternative to the standard operating microscope in a cohort of 17 patients affected by suspicious early to intermediate pharyngo-laryngeal neoplasms. A historical cohort of patients treated with the traditional setting and matching the same inclusion criteria was used as a reference for the duration of surgical procedures. The surgical procedures comprised 7 cordectomies, 2 endoscopic partial supraglottic laryngectomies, 4 tongue base resections, and 4 lateral oropharyngectomies or hypopharyngectomies. In 6 cases (35%), a simultaneous neck dissection was performed. The low rate of positive deep (6%) or superficial (12%) margins reinforced the safety of this platform, and the results obtained in terms of operating time were comparable to the control group (p > 0.05), which confirms the feasibility of the system. Our surgical setting setup is a convincing alternative to traditional transoral laser microsurgery for early to intermediate pharyngo-laryngeal neoplasms. The main advantages of this system are comfortable ergonomics for the first surgeon and a potential benefit in terms of teaching if applied in university hospitals, since the entire surgical team can view the same surgical 3D-HD view of the first operator. Further work is still needed to objectively compare the traditional and new technique, and to validate our preliminary clinical findings.
Keywords: CO2 laser; Exoscope; Laryngeal cancer; Oropharyngeal cancer; TLM; TOLMS; Vitom 3D.
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd. part of Springer Nature.