Background: Blast-induced hearing loss is an acoustic trauma commonly caused by high-energy explosions of improvised explosive devices, and the auditory system may be affected by blast damage. This study aims to evaluate the protective effect of tympanic membrane perforation (TMP) on the inner ear against blast injury.
Methods: In this study, 43 adult patients who had suffered blast injury were divided into three subgroups: intact tympanic membranes in both ears, unilateral TMP, and bilateral TMP. Each patient underwent a comprehensive audiogram, including bone conduction, in the audiology department.
Results: Evaluation was performed on 43 (100%) males with a mean age of 31.44±8.01 years (range, 18-52 years). When the type of hearing loss was evaluated separately for each ear, sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) was observed in 31 (36%), high-frequency SNHL in 26 (30.2%), conductive hearing loss in eight (9.3%), and mixed type hearing loss in 21 (24.4%) ears. TMP was detected in 21 (48.8%) of 43 blast-injured patients, on the right side in four (9.3%) patients, on the left side in seven (16.3%), and bilateral in 10 (23.3%). When the type of acoustic trauma was evaluated, 15 (34.9%) patients were observed to have suffered from the explosion of an IED, 12 (30.2%) from weapon explosion, six (14%) were a vehicle bomb explosion, three (7%) were projectile missile explosion, three (7%) were mortar explosion, two (4.7%) were mine explosion, and two (4.7%) were exposed to the explosion in an armored vehicle (Table 1).
Conclusion: No significant difference was observed in the majority of the frequencies whether the tympanic membrane was perforated or not in the blast-injured patients and it was concluded that tympanic membrane perforation caused by blast injury had no protective effect on the inner ear.