Background: The Alaska Native Community Resilience Study (ANCRS) is the central research project of the Alaska Native Collaborative Hub for Research on Resilience (ANCHRR), one of three American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) suicide prevention hubs funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.
Objective: This paper describes the development of a structured interview to identify and measure community-level protective factors that may reduce suicide risk among youth in rural Alaska Native communities.
Methods: Multilevel, iterative collaborative processes resulted in: a) expanded and refined constructs of community-level protection, b) clearer and broadly relevant item wording, c) respectful data collection procedures, and d) Alaska Native people from rural Alaska as primary knowledge-gathering interviewers.
Lessons learned: Moving beyond engagement to knowledge co-production in Alaska Native research requires flexibility, shared decision-making and commitment to diverse knowledge systems; this can result in culturally attuned methods, greater tool validity, new ways to understand complex issues and innovations that support community health.