Despite extensive use in the biofuel industry, only butyryl co-A dehydrogenase enzymes from the Clostridia group have undergone extensive structural and genetic characterization. The present study, portrays the characterization of structural, functional and phylogenetic properties of butyryl co-A dehydrogenase identified within the genome of Pusillimonas ginsengisoli SBSA. In silico characterization, homology modelling and docking data indicates that this protein is a homo-tetramer and 388 amino acid residue long, rich in alanine and leucine residue; having molecular weight of 42347.69 dalton. Its isoelectric point value is 5.78; indicate its neutral nature while 38.38 instability index value indicate its stable nature. Its thermostable nature evidenced by its high aliphatic index (93.14); makes its suitable for industry-based use. The secondary structure prediction analysis of butyryl co-A dehydrogenase unveiled that the proteins has secondary arrangements of 54% α-helix, 13% β-stand and 5% disordered conformation. However, phylogenetic analysis clearly indicates that probably horizontal gene transfer is the primary mechanism of spreading of this gene in this organism. Notably, multiple sequence alignment study of phylogenetically diverse butyryl co-A dehydrogenase sequence highlighted the presence of conserved amino acid residues i.e. YXV/LGXKXWXS/T. Physicochemical characterization of other relevant proteins involved in butanol metabolism of SBSA also has been carried out. However, metabolic construction of functional butanol biosynthesis pathway in SBSA, enlightened its cost-effective potential use in biofuel industry as an alternate to Clostridia system.