TaibUVID nutritional supplements help rapid cure of COVID-19 infection and rapid reversion to negative nasopharyngeal swab PCR: for better public prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 pandemic

Am J Blood Res. 2020 Dec 15;10(6):397-406. eCollection 2020.


Public prophylaxis to decrease the emergence of new daily COVID-19 cases is vital. Adjuvant TaibUVID nutritional supplements are promising home-made or hospital-made supplements suggested for rapidly preventing and treating COVID-19 pandemic. We report here a 44 years old male physician who caught COVID-19 infection at hospital in Egypt with confirmed positive nasopharyngeal swab PCR. Ethical committee approval and informed patient's consent were gained before performing this study. Chest X-ray revealed increased bronchovascular markings. Close follow-up was done with no treatment given and he was sent for home isolation. Few days later, he developed progressive non-productive cough and a sense of difficult breathing with no associated fever or chest pain. An antitussive drug was given to him. The patient read about TaibUVID supplements from social media and started to feel improvement after TaibUVID inhalation therapy (using the heated solution of nigella sativa and chamomile five times a day). He also received a home-made TaibUVID nutritional supplement (nigella sativa, chamomile and natural honey) five times daily for four consecutive days. The next day, he was quite better with mild symptoms. Two days later, nasopharyngeal swab PCR was negative while other patients still had positive nasopharyngeal swabs. As few attacks of mild cough and breathing difficulty existed, he was admitted to hospital. A nasopharyngeal swab PCR was done for him again and the result was negative also. Blood gases were normal. He had lymphocytosis (possibly due to TaibUVID effects) that counteract lymphopenia seen in COVID-19 patients. Biochemical and hematological evaluation were quite normal apart from increased serum chloride and lactate dehydrogenase. There was a mild decrease in serum CO2 and alkaline phosphatase. Chest CT report revealed symmetrically inflated both lungs with non-specific focal nodular infiltrates (scattered in basal and medial lung segments) in left lower lobes with faint ground glass opacities. He was discharged home. Few days later, he was quite improved with no symptoms and returned to his work comfortably. In conclusion, TaibUVID nutritional supplements may be effective in rapidly changing the nasopharyngeal swab PCR from positive to negative. TaibUVID nutritional supplements are advisable as a natural, safe and effective prophylaxis to stop COVID-19 infectiousness, transmission and emergence of new cases. Clinical studies to investigate TaibUVID nutritional benefits are strongly recommended. TaibUVID may be promising and recommended for public prophylaxis to decrease emergence of new COVID-19 cases.

Keywords: COVID-19; TaibUVID; chamomile; nasopharyngeal swab PCR; natural honey; nigella sativa.

Publication types

  • Case Reports