The brown lemur population (Eulemur fulvus spp.) in Mbouzi islet is not native, and was introduced in 1997. Since then, the population has grown. In 2012 the National Council for Protection of Nature of Mayotte requested to remove this population of lemurs from Mbouzi, as they were suspected to be a threat to the protected endemic flora of the islet. The Association Francophone des Vétérinaires de Parcs Zoologiques (French-speaking Zoo Veterinarians Association, AFVPZ) was asked to conduct a biomedical evaluation of the population. Fifty-two animals were captured, anesthetized, and weighed. They all underwent a general physical examination. Feces were sampled for bacterial and parasitological screening. Hair was sampled for genetic studies and blood was sampled for hematology, biochemistry, viral serology, and haemoparasitology. Results showed that three individuals had a positive feces culture for Salmonella enterica and six had Lemuricola or Callistoura parasite infestations. Blood analyses for hematology and biochemistry showed 46 animals with elevated transferrin, 42 with low ferritin levels, 19 with hyperglycemia, and 10 with neutrophilia. Finally, 10 were positive for Toxoplasma serology, one was positive for α herpesvirus, five for pox virus, five for simian virus 40, and two for flavivirus. This publication reports the first complete biomedical evaluation of lemurs on Mayotte Island.
Keywords: Brown lemur; Eulemur fulvus sp.; Mayotte Island; Mbouzi islet; health screening; virus.