Background: University students encounter various stressors such as exam preparation, workload and economic concerns. Having to deal with a multitude of stressors can lead to mental health problems and have a negative impact on academic outcomes in students attending university. This paper describes the development and usability evaluation of an open and easily accessible online portal (me@JGU) designed to help students build skills they need to cope with common stressors and manage their own mental health.
Methods: We developed a website that addresses the most common stressors among university students and offers strategies for dealing with difficult situations. Initial evaluation results were collected using website statistics and a short anonymous survey regarding the attractiveness and usability of the website.
Results: Over an eight-month period, there were 5739 visitors, a total of 16,495 page views and 3748 downloads. The survey results indicate that me@JGU covers relevant topics and that the students like the layout.
Conclusions: Online interventions promoting mental health of university populations are easily accessible and cost effective for large populations. They may prevent study difficulties, inform students about mental health and offer possible solutions. In addition, at-risk students can receive information about other relevant resources, and feel encouraged to access support and treatment.
Keywords: mental health in university students; online portal; online unguided self-help; prevention; resilience.