An 83-year-old man with left lower back pain was found to have a 5 cm mass in contact with the right adrenal gland and a 12 mm left ureteral stone by abdominal plain computed tomography. An abdominal plain magnetic resonance imaging T2-weighted image revealed a heterogeneous high signal mass in the right adrenal gland. Pheochromocytoma, adrenal carcinoma, and retroperitoneal neurogenic tumor were suspected. Tumor markers and endocrine examinations were within standard values. Laparoscopic right adrenalectomy was performed. A 4×3.6 cm, 62 g solid tumor was found in contact with right adrenal gland. Histopathologically, hobnail-like vascular endothelial cells were found in the tumor, but no malignant findings such as multi-layered vascular endothelial cells and nuclear atypia were observed. This tumorwas diagnosed to be an anastomosing hemangioma.