Peer Pressure = Explosive Consequences: A Case Report of Toxic Ingestion of Cyclonite (C-4) Explosive on a Dare

Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med. 2021 Feb;5(1):43-46. doi: 10.5811/cpcem.2020.10.49241.


Introduction: We present a case of intentional ingestion of a piece of plastic explosive in a military patient that resulted in tonic-clonic seizure and gastrointestinal illness.

Case report: Although uncommon, such ingestions have been reported in military journals since the Vietnam War. Access to plastic explosives is generally limited to military personnel, and non-military medical providers may not be familiar with treatment of acute intoxication.

Conclusion: It is imperative to refresh awareness and provide education to heighten suspicion and broaden differential diagnosis for patients presenting with new onset syncope or seizure, particularly in the military population.