Targeted deletion of Ruvbl1 results in severe defects of epidermal development and perinatal mortality

Mol Cell Pediatr. 2021 Feb 12;8(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s40348-021-00111-1.


Epidermal development is a complex process of regulated cellular proliferation, differentiation, and tightly controlled cell death involving multiple cellular signaling networks. Here, we report a first description linking the AAA+ (ATPases associated with various cellular activities) superfamily protein Ruvbl1 to mammalian epidermal development. Keratinocyte-specific Ruvbl1 knockout mice (Ruvbl1fl/flK14:Cretg) show a severe phenotype including dramatic structural epidermal defects resulting in the loss of the functional skin barrier and perinatal death. Thus, Ruvbl1 is a newly identified essential player for the development of differentiated epidermis in mice.