Introduction: Studies have shown that dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus (BE) has a predilection for the right hemisphere. There is limited information on the longitudinal distribution. The aim was to determine both the longitudinal and circumferential distributions of dysplasia and early neoplasia from 3 prospective studies.
Methods: This is a pooled analysis from 3 prospective studies of patients with treatment-naive BE. Both circumferential and longitudinal locations (for BE segments greater than 1 cm) of dysplastic and early neoplastic lesions were recorded.
Results: A total of 177 dysplastic and early neoplastic lesions from 91 patients were included in the pooled analysis; of which 59.3% (n = 105) were seen on high-definition white light endoscopy, 29.4% (n = 52) on advanced imaging, and 11.2% (n = 20) with random biopsies. The average Prague score was C3M5. Of 157 lesions within BE segments greater than 1 cm, 49 (34.8%) lesions were in the proximal half, whereas 92 lesions (65.2%) were in the distal half (P < 0.001). The right hemisphere of the esophagus contained 55% (86/157) of the total lesions compared with 45% (71/157) for the left hemisphere (P = 0.02). This was because of the presence of high-grade dysplasia being concentrated in the right hemisphere compared with the left hemisphere (60% vs 40%, P = 0.002).
Discussion: In this pooled analysis of prospective studies, both low-grade dysplasia and high-grade dysplasia are more frequently found in the distal half of the Barrett's segment. This study confirms that the right hemisphere is a hot spot for high-grade dysplasia. Careful attention to these locations is important during surveillance endoscopy.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of The American College of Gastroenterology.