Polyphasic myodegeneration potentially causes severe physiological and metabolic disorders in the breast muscle of fast-growing broiler chickens. To date, the etiology of recent muscle myopathies, such as the white striping (WS) phenotype, is still unknown. White striping-affected breast meats compromise the water holding capacity and predispose muscle to poor vascular tone, leading to the deterioration of meat qualities. Herein, this review article provides insight on the complexities around chicken breast myopathies: (i) the etiologies of WS occurrence in chicken; (ii) the metabolic changes that occur in WS defect in pectoralis major; and (iii) the interactions between breast muscle physiology and vascular tone. It also addressed the effects of nutritional supplements on muscle myopathies on chicken breast meats. Moreover, the review explored breast muscle biology focusing on the early preparation of satellite and vascular cells in fast-growth chicken breeds. Transcriptomics and histological analyses revealed poor vascularity in breast muscle of fast growth chickens. Thus, we suggest in ovo feeding of nutrients promoting vascularization and satellite cells replenishment as a potential strategy to enhance endothelium-derived nitric oxide availability to promote vascularization in the pectoralis major muscle region.
Keywords: hypertrophy; myodegeneration; pectoralis major muscle; satellite cell; vascular tissue.
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