Objective: To evaluate the value of using low energy (keV) images in renal dual-energy spectral CT angiography (CTA) and adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) to reduce contrast medium dose.
Methods: 40 patients with renal CTA on a Discovery CT750HD were randomly divided into two groups: 20 cases (Group A) with 600 mgI kg-1 and 20 cases (Group B) with 300 mgI kg-1. The scan protocol for both groups was: dual-energy mode with mA selection for noise index of 10 HU, pitch 1.375:1, rotating speed 0.6 s/r. Images were reconstructed at 0.625 mm thickness with 40%ASIR, Group A used the conventional 70keV monochromatic images, and Group B used monochromatic images from 40 to 70 keV at 5 keV interval for analysis. The CT values and standard deviation (SD) values of the renal artery and erector spine in the plain and arterial phases were measured with the erector spine SD value representing image noise. The enhancement degree of the renal artery (ΔCT = CT(arterial) -CT(plain)), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR=CTrenal-artery/SDrenal-artery) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR=(CTrenal-artery-CTerector spine)/SDerector-spine) were calculated. The single factor analysis of variance was used to analyze the difference of ΔCT, SNR and CNR among image groups with p < 0.05 being statistically significant. The subjective image scores of the groups were assessed blindly by two experienced physicians using a 5-point system and the score consistency was compared by the κ test.
Results: Contrast medium dose in the 300 mgI kg-1 group was reduced by 50% compared with the 600 mgI kg-1 group, while radiation dose was similar between the two groups. The subjective scores were 4.00 ± 0.65, 4.50 ± 0.60 and 3.70 ± 0.80 for images at 70 keV (600 mgI kg-1 group), 40 keV (300 mgI kg-1 group) and 45 keV (300 mgI kg-1 group), respectively with good consistency between the two reviewers (p > 0.05). The 40 keV images in the 300 mgI kg-1 group had similar ΔCT (469.77 ± 86.95 HU vs 398.54 ± 73.68 HU) and CNR (15.52 ± 3.32 vs 18.78 ± 6.71) values as the 70 keV images in the 600 mgI kg-1) group but higher SNR values (30.19 ± 4.41 vs 16.91 ± 11.12, p < 0,05).
Conclusion: Contrast dose may be reduced by 50% while maintaining image quality by using lower energy images combined with ASIR in renal dual-energy CTA.
Advances in knowledge: Combined with ASIR and energy spectrum, can reduce the amount of contrast dose in renal CTA.