Aging as an irretrievable occurrence throughout the entire life is characterized by a progressive decline in physiological functionality and enhanced disease vulnerability. Numerous studies have demonstrated that epigenetic modifications, particularly DNA methylation (DNAm), correlate with aging and age-related diseases. Several investigations have attempted to predict chronological age using the age-related alterations in the DNAm of certain CpG sites. Here we categorize different studies that tracked the aging process in the DNAm landscape to show how epigenetic age clocks evolved from a chronological age estimator to an indicator of lifespan and healthspan. We also describe the health and disease predictive potential of estimated epigenetic age acceleration regarding different clinical conditions and lifestyle factors. Considering the revealed age-related epigenetic changes, the recent age-reprogramming strategies are discussed which are promising methods for resetting the aging clocks.
Keywords: Biological age; DNA methylation; Epigenetic age; Epigenetic age acceleration; Epigenetic clocks; Epigenetic reprogramming; Phenotypic age.
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