Introduction and objective: There are various management options for newborns with single ventricle physiology, ventriculoarterial discordance and subaortic stenosis, classically involving the early pulmonary banding and aortic arch repair, the restricted bulboventriculer foramen enlargement or the Norwood and the Damus-Kaye-Stansel procedures. The aim of this study is to evaluate our preferred technique and comment on the midterm results of our clinical experience with palliative arterial switch operation (pASO) for a certain subset of patients.
Method: We hereby retrospectively evaluate the charts of patients who went through pASO, as initial palliation through Fontan pathway, starting from 2014 till today.
Results: Ten patients underwent an initial palliative arterial switch procedure. Eight of 10 patients survived the operation and discharged. Seven of 10 patients completed Stage II and 1 patient reached the Fontan completion stage and the other six of ten (6/10) patients are doing well and waiting for the next stage of palliation. There are two mortalities in the series (2/10) and one patient lost to follow-up (1/10).
Conclusion: In our opinion, the pASO can be considered as an alternative palliation option for patients with single ventricle physiology, transposition of the great arteries and systemic outflow tract obstruction despite longer cross clamp times compared to other methods, but It not only preserves systolic and diastolic ventricular function, but also provides a superior anatomic arrangement for following stages.
Keywords: arterial switch operation; congenital heart disease; single ventricle.
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