Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the biochemical and blood gas alterations of whole blood of buffaloes that was stored in citrate-phosphate-dextrose with adenine (CPDA-1) and CPD/SAG-M blood bags for 42 days.
Design: Prospective study.
Interventions: Ten male buffaloes were used in this study. A total volume of 900 mL of blood was collected from each buffalo so that 450 mL was stored in CPDA-1 and 450 mL was stored in CPD/SAG-M bags at 2-6°C for 42 days. The stored blood was evaluated at 7 time points (D): D0 (immediately after blood collection) and 7 (D7), 14 (D14), 21 (D21), 28 (D28), 35 (D35), and 42 (D42) days after collection. Blood gas, biochemical, and microbiological parameters were monitored.
Measurements and main results: The overall blood pH decreased from 6.997 ± 0.05 at D0 to 6.784 ± 0.09 at D42, differing from baseline from D14 onward (P < 0.05). There were increases in partial pressure of oxygen (pO2 ), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2 ), lactate, and potassium (K) and decreases in the concentrations of sodium, bicarbonate, glucose, and pH (P < 0.05) during storage in both bags but no alterations in total protein concentration. Most of the variables were consistently similar between the 2 types of blood bags (P > 0.05) evaluated, with the exception of pCO2 , HCO3, cholesterol, and total protein, which had higher values in the CPDA-1 bag (P < 0.05). The K, pO2 , and lactate had the highest alterations during storage, with increases from baseline to D42 of 563%, 317%, and 169%, respectively.
Conclusion: In general, no significant changes of clinical importance were observed after storage of whole blood samples from buffaloes for 42 days in the 2 types of blood bags that are indicated for use with this species.
Keywords: blood conservation; buffaloes; hemotherapy; pH.
© Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2021.