The competition between poly(ADP-ribose) and DNA for binding of the histones H1, H3 and H4 was studied, using a membrane filter-binding test. Poly(ADP-ribose) differently affected the interaction between DNA and the individual histones. While poly(ADP-ribose) effectively competed with DNA for binding of histone H4, it equally competed with DNA for binding of histone H3 and only inefficiently competed with DNA for binding of histone H1. Moreover, preformed complexes were correspondingly affected by the addition of competing polynucleotides, thereby also indicating the reversibility of complex formation. The competition capacity of DNA for histone H4 binding did not depend on DNA size. Competition experiments with poly(A) also indicated that poly(ADP-ribose) preferentially affected DNA-histone H4 interaction. The significance of the differing binding properties is discussed with regard to the possible molecular function of poly(ADP-ribose), especially with regard to its potential effect on nucleosome structure.