Prescribing patterns and drug-related problems (DRPs) in transfusion-dependent paediatric thalassemia patients: A prospective interventional study from a tertiary care hospital in India

Int J Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2021 Mar;8(1):35-38. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpam.2020.01.001. Epub 2020 Jan 7.


Background: Each year nearly 10,000 children with thalassaemia major are born in India, but among them, very few are optimally managed mainly in urban regions even though the Government of India has incorporated their care and treatment in the 12th Five-Year Plan. Data on prescribing patterns and drug-related problems (DRPs) in paediatric thalassaemia patients in India are limited.

Methods: In this prospective interventional study, the medications prescribed were recorded after reviewing the treatment charts, thalassaemia register, thalassaemia card, nurses' notes, as well as discharge summaries. When DRPs and/or medication errors were identified, the same was discussed with the concerned health care professionals and suitable suggestions were made at the earliest.

Results: Out of the enrolled 54 patients, only 94% (n = 51) of the patients received iron chelation therapy with deferasirox and/or deferiprone, Folic acid tablet was prescribed for 100% of the patients (n = 54). Five percent of patients (n = 3) had undergone splenectomy and was prescribed with amoxicillin prophylactically. There were a total of 16 DRPs and 15 medication errors were identified and suitable measurements were taken to solve these problems.

Conclusions: The prescribing patterns, DRPs and medication errors in transfusion-dependent paediatric thalassaemia patients were discussed in this study. Our study was effective in identifying and solving the DRPs and medication problems that occurred in thalassaemia patients.

Keywords: Drug related problems; Medication errors; Paediatric patients; Prescribing patterns; Transfusion dependent thalassemia patients.