Preretinal hemorrhage preventing subretinal involvement in multilayer macular hemorrhages: coincidence or plausible relationship?

Int J Retina Vitreous. 2021 Mar 16;7(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s40942-021-00291-y.


Background: To report four cases with interesting anatomical presentations of multilayer macular hemorrhages with preretinal hemorrhage possibly preventing subretinal involvement of the macular area.

Cases presentation: Observational study of four patients presenting with macular hemorrhages.

Results: Four patients with multilayer macular hemorrhage due to different causes, presented with a halo-shaped submacular hemorrhage coincident with the preretinal hemorrhage borders. After resolution, in all cases, the macular area underneath the preretinal hemorrhage was found to be spared.

Conclusion: We hypothesized that an extensive preretinal hemorrhage can exert a mechanical force pushing the subretinal hemorrhage towards the periphery, consequently protecting the macular area.

Keywords: Hemorrhages; Internal limiting membrane; Macular protection; Premacular hemorrhage; Preretinal hemorrhage; Retinal hemorrhages; Sub-ILM hemorrhage; Subretinal hemorrhages.