MicroRNAs (miRNAs) perform a variety of important cellular functions, including regulating the cell cycle, apoptosis and differentiation, amongst others. Recent research has demonstrated an essential function performed by miRNAs in regulating pyroptosis, which is a type of programmed cell death associated with inflammatory responses that plays a critical role in numerous diseases. Through direct or indirect action on proteins associated with the pyroptosis signaling pathway, miRNAs are involved in the pathological processes of cardiovascular, kidney and immune diseases, among others. The present review discusses the maturation process of miRNAs and the process of pyroptosis, with a specific focus on the transport of miRNAs to damaged cells via exosomes, shedding vesicles and protein stabilized complexes, as well as the role of different miRNAs in the regulation of pyroptosis through different gene and protein targets. The aim of the present review was to provide a novel insight into the regulatory role of miRNAs in pyroptosis and new treatment options for pyroptosis‑associated diseases.
Keywords: miRNAs; pyroptosis; inflammatory responses; programmed cell death; diseases.