RE-AIM (Reach, effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance) and CFIR (Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research) are complementary frameworks guiding research on dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions and factors influencing this process. Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) is an evidence-based program that increased physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake in faith-based settings. The aims of this adoption study were to quantify state-wide church level adoption rates and congregant reach of FAN in accordance with RE-AIM guidelines, and to explore the association of CFIR-derived constructs of the church inner setting and pastor characteristics with FAN adoption. Church recruitment was documented, and data were collected via telephone-administered surveys from 93 pastors in adopting churches and 60 pastors in non-adopting churches. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) identified combinations of CFIR-derived church and pastor characteristics sufficient for FAN adoption. As defined by RE-AIM, church-level FAN adoption was 11.7 % and congregant-level reach was 20.0 %. Fourteen pathways to adoption were identified; seven of these featured the presence of a culture of concern for congregant health along with openness to new ideas. Results suggest early assessment of these two CFIR-derived inner setting constructs may help identify faith-based organizations predisposed to undertake a comprehensive, environmental intervention to promote congregant health.
Keywords: Adoption; CFIR; Faith-based settings; QCA; RE-AIM.
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