Purpose: to examine the lens epithelial cells in diabetic patients with pseudoexfoliation to ultramicroscope and to compare the findings with those of patients without diabetes mellitus (DM) and/or without pseudoexfoliation (PEX). Materials and Methods: Forty patients aged 65-86 years were enrolled in the study. All patients had senile cataract and were divided into four groups of ten patients in each group. Group I: patients without pseudoexfoliation, without DM, Group II: without pseudoexfoliation, with DM, Group III: with pseudoexfoliation, without DM, Group IV (Pseudoexfoliation-Diabetic Group): with pseudoexfoliation, with DM. In all cases, part of the central portion of anterior lens capsule was removed during routine cataract surgery, and was properly prepared in order to be examined under a transmission electron microscope. Results: In the control group, mainly degenerative alterations to varying extents were observed. In all groups, intracellular and extracellular oedema, multilayering, apoptosis, completely destroyed cells adjacent to normal cellswere described. In the diabetic group, alterations were more severe with respect to group I. In PEX cases, the additionalirregularity of the epithelium surface, loose intercellular connection, as well as the loose connection between cells and basement membrane were described with the presence of PEX material free and within the basement membrane. In cases with PEX and DM, degenerative alterations and PEX material were observed as well, but the epithelium was better conserved compared to the PEX group. Conclusion: the observed lesions were more extended and more frequent in the pseudoexfoliation group, followed by the diabetic group. The pseudoexfoliation-diabetic group presented less intense modifications raising questions about the interaction of these different diseases. Abbreviations: DM = Diabetes Mellitus, PEX = Pseudoexfoliation, PXM = Pseudoexfoliative Material, AD = Alzheimer disease, TGF-β1 = Transforming Growth Factor beta 1, WHO = World Health Organization, LEC = Lens Epithelium Cells, BM = Basement Membrane, CM = Cytoplasmic Membrane.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus; electron microscopy; lens epithelium cells; pseudoexfoliation syndrome; senile cataract.
©Romanian Society of Ophthalmology.