In this work, we use focused ion beam (FIB) milling to generate custom mirror shapes for quantum simulation in optical microcavities. In the paraxial limit, light in multimode optical microcavities follows an equation of motion which is equivalent to Schrödinger's equation, with the surface topography of the mirrors playing the role of the potential energy landscape. FIB milling allows us to engineer a wide variety of trapping potentials for microcavity light, through exquisite control over the mirror topography, including 2D box, 1D waveguide, and Mexican hat potentials. The 2D box potentials are sufficiently flat over tens of microns, that the optical modes of the cavity, found by solving Schrödinger's equation on the measured cavity topography, are standing-wave modes of the box, rather than localised to deviations. The predicted scattering loss due to surface roughness measured using atomic force microscopy is found to be 177 parts per million, which corresponds to a cavity finesse of 2.2 × 104 once other losses have been taken into account. Spectra from dye-filled microcavities formed using these features show thermalised light in flat 2D potentials close to dye resonance, and spectrally-resolved cavity modes at the predicted frequencies for elliptical potentials. These results also represent a first step towards realising superfluid light and quantum simulation in arbitrary-shaped optical microcavities using FIB milling.