Success of dental implants depends on the quality and quantity of local bone, implant designs, and surgical technique. The amount and density of available bone in the patient's edentulous site are primary determining factors in predicting individual patient success. Our present study aims to analyze the mean bone availability to the choice of implant width and length and bone width and length compared with the adjacent teeth and condensing osteitis. This descriptive study was done at the Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai. Retrospective data of bone width, bone height, implant width, implant height, adjacent teeth presence, and condensing osteitis presence were evaluated from the digital data to assess operators' implant dimensional choice. Residual bone height availability is in the range of 0-2 mm (about 52.1%). Residual bone width availability is in the range of 0-2 mm (about 56.9%). Presence of adjacent teeth is 79.8% and presence of condensing osteitis is 12%; these results were subjected to chi-square test. Presence of adjacent teeth tends to dictate the choice of width of implant whereas the length of implant is not much changed from planned length and width.