Coronaviruses are a common class of respiratory viruses that can cause human infections. 2019 novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV), a new coronavirus that has recently caused a pandemic, has affected millions of people and put tremendous pressure on the health systems of almost every country in the world. Coronaviruses are known to spread from person to person through droplets or contact. The 2019-nCoV has also been found in the conjunctival secretions and tears of some clinically diagnosed patients. To assess whether the eye is one of the transmission routes of the virus, we review literature, and summarize the anatomy of the eye-nose pathway, the expression of the virus receptor in the eye, the preclinical animal studies, and the clinical data. We analyze the possibility of eyes as a means of transmission and propose some suggestions of ocular protection. (Chin J Ophthalmol, 2021, 57: 305-310).