Whether macroautophagy/autophagy is physiologically relevant to regulate mitochondrial function for a rapid and dynamic adaptation of yeast cells to respiratory growth was not fully understood until recently. May et al. (2020. Nat Commun) report that bulk autophagy provides serine as a one-carbon (1C) metabolite that controls respiratory growth onset by initiating mitochondrial initiator tRNAMet modification and mitochondrial translation linking autophagy mechanistically to mitochondrial function. We discuss the mechanistic interplay between autophagy, one-carbon-metabolism, and mitochondrial function and the possible implications in neurodegeneration, aging, and carcinogenesis.Abbreviations: 10-formyl-THF: 10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate; OXPHOS: oxidative phosphorylation; PAS: phagophore assembly site.
Keywords: Autophagy; mitochondrial respiration; mitochondrial translation; one-carbon metabolism; respiratory growth.