Ash content might predict carbon isotope discrimination and grain yield in durum wheat

New Phytol. 2001 Feb;149(2):275-282. doi: 10.1046/j.1469-8137.2001.00012.x.


• Dry mass per unit of leaf area (LDM) and ash content were evaluated as alternative criteria for carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in durum wheat (Triticum durum) flag leaves and grains. • Using correlation analysis the relationships between the three parameters (LDM, Δ, ash content) and productivity were determined over three consecutive years in 37 field-grown durum wheat genotypes under contrasting drought conditions. • Highly significant differences were found between years and among genotypes for all measured traits. Grain Δ and ash content, and LDM and flag leaf Δ were negatively correlated under nondroughted conditions. Positive correlations were found between grain yield, harvest index and both Δ and ash content of the flag leaf under drought. No significant correlations were found between LDM and both Δ and grain yield. • Differences in LDM do not predict variations in Δ, whereas ash content of grain and flag leaf (under droughted conditions) might be useful in predicting Δ and grain yield. Ash content might provide an alternative screening method in the improvement of drought tolerance and yield stability in durum wheat.

Keywords: Mediterranean conditions; Triticum durum (durum wheat); carbon isotope discrimination; dry mass per unit of leaf area; grain yield; mineral content.