Background: Radiotherapy, along with laser surgery, is considered a standard treatment option for patients with early glottic squamous cell cancer (SCC). Historically, patients have received complete larynx radiotherapy (CL-RT) due to fear of swallowing and respiratory laryngeal motion and this remains the standard approach in many academic institutions. Local control (LC) rates with CL-RT have been excellent, however this treatment can carry significant toxicities include adverse voice and swallowing outcomes, along with increased long-term risk of cerebrovascular morbidity. A recent retrospective study reported improved voice quality and similar local control outcomes with focused vocal cord radiotherapy (VC-RT) compared to CL-RT. There is currently no prospective evidence on the safety of VC-RT. The primary objective of this Bayesian Phase II trial is to compare the LC of VC-RT to that of CL-RT in patients with T1N0 glottic SCC.
Methods: One hundred and fifty-five patients with T1a-b N0 SCC of the true vocal cords that are n ot candidate or declined laser surgery, will be randomized in a 1:3 ratio the control arm (CL-RT) and the experimental arm (VC-RT). Randomisation will be stratified by tumor stage (T1a/T1b) and by site (each site will be allowed to select one preferred radiation dose regimen, to be used in both arms). CL-RT volumes will correspond to the conventional RT volumes, with the planning target volume extending from the top of thyroid cartilage lamina superiorly to the bottom of the cricoid inferiorly. VC-RT volumes will include the involved vocal cord(s) and a margin accounting for respiration and set-up uncertainty. The primary endpoint will be LC at 2-years, while secondary endpoints will include patient-reported outcomes (voice impairment, dysphagia and symptom burden), acute and late toxicity radiation-induced toxicity, overall survival, progression free survival, as well as an optional component of acoustic and objective measures of voice analysis using the Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice.
Discussion: This study would constitute the first prospective evidence on the efficacy and safety of VC-RT in early glottic cancer. If positive, this study would result in the adoption of VC-RT as standard approach in early glottic cancer.
Trial registration: Identifier: NCT03759431 Registration date: November 30, 2018.
Keywords: Glottic cancer; Larynx; Local control; Radiotherapy; Vocal cord.