A 17-year-old, male long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) presented for acute lethargy and black gelatinous tissue in both nostrils. Despite intensive care, the bird died within 2 days. A postmortem computed tomographic scan of the head revealed a complete obstruction of the rostral infraorbital sinus, later confirmed by necropsy. Postmortem examination also highlighted multifocal, black, infiltrating nodules of various sizes (2 mm to 2 cm in diameter) in almost all internal organs: lungs, heart (pericardium, myocardium, endocardium), kidneys, pancreas, adrenals, muscles, and bones (periosteum and medulla). Histologically, the nodules were composed of anaplastic cells containing abundant melanin pigment, consistent with a disseminated melanoma. Malignant melanomas are aggressive neoplasms frequently reported in mammals but rarely found in avian species. In Accipitridae and Falconidae, only 2 cases have been reported.
Keywords: Buteo rufinus; avian; long-legged buzzard; melanoma; neoplasia; oronasal.