Comparison of the functional health limitations of Iraq or Afghanistan Veterans to Desert Shield/Storm Veterans with chronic fatigue syndrome

Mil Behav Health. 2016 May 6;4(3):299-306. doi: 10.1080/21635781.2016.1175980.


Initial evidence suggests some Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) veterans suffer from significant physical symptoms. It is not known if other medical conditions may explain these symptoms or if they are causing functional limitations. We compared OEF/OIF veterans with CFS to Desert Shield/Storm veterans with CFS seen at a post-deployment VA clinic soon after their respective deployments. We found 17.6% of OEF/OIF veterans met criteria for CFS. Compared to Desert Shield/Storm veterans with CFS, the OEF/OIF veterans with CFS demonstrated worse mental health function and similar physical health function.

Keywords: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Function; Gulf War Illness; Iraq; Mental Health; Military; PTSD; Physical symptoms; Quality of Life; Veterans.