Inline electron holography, the recovery of amplitude and phase of an electron wave function having passed through a thin specimen from a focal series recorded in a transmission electron microscope is being applied in many labs worldwide. At medium range magnification (i.e. typically ≥0.8 nm where the lattice of small unit cell crystals such as silicon is not resolved), where the defocus needs to be varied over a rather large range of several hundred nm or even μm, the retrieval of low spatial frequency information is severely affected by the choice of experimental parameters as well as the way of data normalization. Methods to quantitatively analyze the reliability of phase maps obtained by inline electron holography are presented, and data recorded and processed in different ways are compared. While, even under optimized conditions, the phase reconstructed from an experimental focal series still lacks very low spatial frequency components, regularization schemes exist and are demonstrated to effectively hide artifacts associated with this lack of information.
Keywords: Inline electron holography; Phase retrieval; Transmission electron microscopy.
Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier B.V.