Background: Identifying and addressing breast cancer (BC) patients' unmet needs (UN) are crucial due to their possible contribution to higher levels of morbidity, particularly in vulnerable underserved populations, such as Latinas with BC.
Objective: This study aimed to (1) identify and describe the most frequently reported items of moderate-high UN among Mexican women with BC covered by public healthcare insurance; (2) analyze the differences in UN domains according to participants' sociodemographic and clinical characteristics; and (3) validate the Supportive Care Needs Survey-Short Form-34 (SCNS-SF34).
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 396 consecutive BC patients. A linguistically translated and culturally adapted version of the SCNS-SF34 for Mexican women with BC was completed by the participants.
Results: The validation yielded a 32-item version of the SCNS with adequate psychometric properties. The Health System and Providers Information was the highest UN domain, followed by the psychological domain. "Fears about cancer spreading" (37.4%) and "Concerns about the worries of those close to you" (37.3%) were the most prevalent moderate-high UN. Sexuality was the only domain associated with clinical and sociodemographic characteristics.
Conclusion: By defining the most urgent needs of this group of patients, our results will enable the development of targeted support services and patient-centered care.
Keywords: Breast cancer; Needs assessment; Unmet needs; Mexico.