Isovolumic perfused rat hearts containing an intraventricular balloon were used to assess the effects of incremental balloon volumes on developed pressure, oxygen consumption, coronary flow, phosphorylation potential obtained by P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance, wall thickness obtained by two-dimensional echocardiography, and diastolic wall stress. Three phases in developed pressure were noted: (1) volumes from 0 to 150 microliter resulted in a continuous increase in developed pressure; (2) with volumes from 150 to 250 microliter, developed pressure remained constant whereas developed (systolic) and diastolic wall stress rose sharply; and (3) with volumes from 250 to 400 microliter, developed pressure fell whereas developed (systolic) and diastolic wall stress continued to rise. The ln [(PCr)/(Pi)] was in synchrony with oxygen consumption at 0 and 50 microliter balloon volumes, and then diverged at volumes greater than 100 microliter. Oxygen consumption increased from 0 to 50 microliter, was constant from 50 to 250 microliter balloon volume, and then declined. The ln [(PCr)/(Pi)] fell precipitously at balloon volumes greater than 100 microliter, most likely limited by oxygen consumption. Coronary flow did not change significantly until 250 microliter or more of water was added to the balloon, and then it started to decline. Volumes greater than 100 microliter result in overstretch of myofibers, as observed by the precipitous decline in ln [(PCr)/(Pi)], and the steep increase in diastolic wall stress. With excessive volume loading, the drop in phosphorylation potential, ln [(PCr)/(Pi)], appears to contribute to the decrease in developed pressure.