S-PLUS: LEnticular Galaxies in Stripe 82 (LEGS82)

An Acad Bras Cienc. 2021 May 17;93(suppl 1):e20200989. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765202120200989. eCollection 2021.


This work is a Brazilian-Indian collaboration. It aims at investigating the structural properties of Lenticular galaxies in the Stripe 82 using a combination of S-PLUS (Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey) and SDSS data. S-PLUS is a novel optical multi-wavelength survey which will cover nearly 8000 square degrees of the Southern hemisphere in the next years and the first data release covers the Stripe 82 area. The morphological classification and study of the galaxies' stellar population will be performed combining the Bayesian Spectral type (from BPZ) and Morfometryka (MFMTK) parameters. BPZ and MFMTK are two complementary techniques, since the first one determines the most likely stellar population of a galaxy, in order to obtain its photometric redshift (phot-z), and the second one recovers non-parametric morphological quantities, such as asymmetries and concentration. The combination of the two methods allows us to explore the correlation between galaxies shapes (smooth, with spiral arms, etc.) and their stellar contents (old or young population). The preliminary results, presented in this work, show how this novel data set opens a new window on our understanding of the nearby universe.